The Art Of Cleaning Up Giant Teddy Bears
Every person has a childhood favourite teddy bear . Whether it's from their birthdays, holidays or simply found in the back of an old closet, they are usually cherished for many years to come. It's hard to believe that there are still people who don't think they need to clean their giant teddy bear . It doesn't take much time or effort but it can make a big difference in the life of your bear. Boo Bear's fur is covered in dust and you think the only solution is giving him a shower? That's incorrect. Teddy bears have to be cleaned very carefully because their fur can become damaged easily if the wrong thing is used for washing or drying it. So here are 10 tips on how to clean a giant teddy bear without damaging its fur: 1) Vacuum dirt away first before giving the bear a shower. 2) Use a soft brush to gently scrub off any dirt that was missed by your vacuum cleaner. 3) On the spot where you are going to give Teddy a bath, lay some old newspapers or an old sheet ...